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Youngho Chaa cha cha

Converting ISO Datetime Strings to DateTime Objects and Vice Versa in C#

.NET1 min read

In C#, you can convert ISO datetime strings to DateTime objects and vice versa using the following methods:

To parse an ISO datetime string, use the DateTime.Parse() method. 

This method takes an ISO datetime string as its input and returns a DateTime object. For example, the following code will parse the ISO datetime string 2023-06-09T10:15:00Z and return a DateTime object representing the date and time 2023-06-09T10:15:00Z:

var dateTime = DateTime.Parse("2023-06-09T10:15:00Z");

To convert a DateTime object to an ISO datetime string, use the ToString() method with the s format specifier. 

This method will return an ISO datetime string representing the date and time of the DateTime object. For example, the following code will convert the DateTime object dateTime to an ISO datetime string

var isoDateTimeString = $"{datetime:s}Z")

Unfortunately, .ToString("s") doesn’t add Z at the end, and you have to add it yourself.

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